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Q: Is Bitlayer EVM compatible?

A: Yes, Bitlayer is EVM-compatible. Bitlayer's deep integration with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) heralds a significant advancement for the Bitcoin network, enabling it to support smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) natively. This compatibility breaks new ground by combining Bitcoin's renowned security and liquidity with Ethereum's programmability and flexibility. For developers and users, this means the ability to deploy Ethereum-based applications directly on Bitcoin, leveraging the best of both worlds: the robustness of Bitcoin's blockchain with the dynamic capabilities of Ethereum's smart contract environment.

Q: Is there a rate-limits on Public RPC URLs? What should I do if I hit the rate-limits issue?

A: Yes, the rate-limits is 30 rps default for both mainnet and testnet.
When requests reached rate-limits, you can
  (1) Refer to Compile and Run to build your own rpc node.
  (2) Or refer to ankr to buy a paid plan.