Quick Start Guide
Your tools for building and testing smart contracts can work on Bitlayer smoothly as Bitlayer boasting 100% EVM and Ethereum toolchain compatibility.
We currently support Solidity up to version v0.8.23. Updates for newer versions might be delayed.
Network Configuration
Bitlayer Mainnet
Parameter | Value |
Network Name | Bitlayer Mainnet |
Chain ID | 200901 |
Currency Symbol | BTC |
Explorer | https://www.btrscan.com |
Public RPC URLs | https://rpc.bitlayer.org, https://rpc.bitlayer-rpc.com, https://rpc.ankr.com/bitlayer |
WebSocket | wss://ws.bitlayer.org wss://ws.bitlayer-rpc.com |
Contract Addresses | Refer to the Contract Addresses page |
Connect Wallet | Click here to connect your wallet to Bitlayer Mainnet |
Introducing Bitlayer Mainnet-V1: Unlocking the Potential of Bitcoin
Click the above link to know more about our Mainnet-V1.
Bitlayer Testnet
Parameter | Value |
Network | Bitlayer Testnet |
Chain ID | 200810 |
Currency Symbol | BTC |
Explorer | https://testnet-scan.bitlayer.org |
Public RPC URL | https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org |
WebSocket | wss://testnet-ws.bitlayer.org wss://testnet-ws.bitlayer-rpc.com |
Contract Addresses | Refer to the Contract Addresses page |
Connect Wallet | Click here to connect your wallet to Bitlayer Testnet |
The "currency symbol" is required by some wallets like MetaMask.
Here are the quick access commands for the Bitlayer Testnet:
Modify your Hardhat config file hardhat.config.ts
to point at the Bitlayer Testnet public RPC.
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
networks: {
bitlayer: {
url: "https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org" || "",
process.env.PRIVATE_KEY !== undefined ? [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY] : [],
To deploy using the Bitlayer Testnet Public RPC, run:
forge create ... --rpc-url=https://https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org/ --legacy
Remix Web IDE
After compiling your contracts, the easiest way to deploy using Remix is by setting up Metamask, then selecting the Bitlayer Testnet network.
In the “Deploy and Run Transactions” tab, use the “Environment” drop-down and select “Injected Provider - MetaMask.”
Connect your wallet and select the Bitlayer Testnet. Your account should be selected automatically in Remix, and you can click “Deploy.”
The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog.
Assuming you already have a Truffle environment setup, go to the Truffle configuration file, truffle.js
. Make sure to have installed HDWalletProvider: npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider@1.4.0
const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider")
module.exports = {
networks: {
bitlayer: {
provider: () =>
new HDWalletProvider(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, "https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org"),
network_id: '*',
To add the Bitlayer Testnet, run the following command:
brownie networks add Bitlayer host=https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org chainid=200810
To set this as your default network, add the following in your project config file:
default: bitlayer
Another way to add the Bitlayer Testnet is to create a yaml
file and run a command to add it.
This is an example of a yaml file called network-config.yaml
- name: Ethereum
- chainid: 200810
explorer: https://testnet-scan.bitlayer.org
host: https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org
id: bitlayer
name: Bitlayer Testnet
To add the Bitlayer Testnet to the network list, run the following command:
brownie networks import ./network-config.yaml
To deploy on Bitlayer, run the following command. In this example, token.py
is the script to deploy the smart contract. Replace this with the name of your script:
brownie run token.py --network Bitlayer
Setting up a Bitlayer Testnet provider in an ethers
import { ethers } from "ethers"
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org")
To deploy using Scaffold-eth, you’ll need to point both your Hardhat and React settings at the Bitlayer Testnet.
Configure Hardhat
In the packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.js
file, you’ll add the network and select it as the default network.
// Select the network you want to deploy to here:
const defaultNetwork = "Bitlayer";
module.exports = {
networks: {
Bitlayer: {
url: "https://testnet-rpc.bitlayer.org",
accounts: {
mnemonic: mnemonic(),
Be sure to fund the deployment wallet as well! Run yarn generate
to create the wallet and yarn account
to check its funds. Once funded, run yarn deploy --network Bitlayer
to deploy on the Bitlayer testnet.