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What is a Subgraph?

Subgraph is a customized, open-source solution for indexing and accessing real-time blockchain data through the GraphQL API. They provide developers with powerful tools to build, customize, and access blockchain data according to their needs.

This document will guide you through creating, deploying, and querying this subgraph.


Before getting started, make sure you have:

Creating a Subgraph

  1. Choose a subgraph name in the format <username>/<subgraph-name>, for example, "alice/mysubgraph".

    • <username>: This is your username on Bifrost.
    • <subgraph-name>: This is the specific name you choose for your subgraph, which usually reflects the functionality of the subgraph or the smart contract it indexes.
  2. Run the following command in your terminal, replacing {apikey} with your Bifrost API key obtained from the links above and <username/subgraph-name> with your chosen subgraph name:

    graph create --node{apikey} <username/subgraph-name>