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About Gas

Important: about gas price

  • Bitlayer's native gas token is BTC. However, on Bitlayer, BTC has an 18-digit precision, which is different from the 8-digit precision of BTC on Bitcoin. This is done to maintain consistency with the default decimal of tokens of EVM-compatible chains.

  • On the Bitlayer, there is a minimum priority fee requirement. Developers can use eth_gasPrice or eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas to estimate the gas price required for a transaction in real time.

  • For the Mainnet/Testnet, a minimum tip of 0.05 gwei is required. Usually, 0.055 gwei gasPrice for legacy transactions, 0.05 gwei maxPriorityFeePerGas (and set enough amount to maxFeePerGas) for EIP1559 transactions SHOULD BE enough.

  • For Dapp developers, it's recommended that setting the maxPriorityFeePerGas by code before calling apis to send the transaction, rather then leave it empty (filled by the default strategy of wallet (e.g. Metamask) or SDK).

Get BTC Gas

There are multiple way to get BTC gas on Bitlayer:

  1. Visit

  2. Visit