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Bridges play a crucial role in connecting Bitlayer with other blockchain networks, enabling seamless interoperability and cross-chain asset transfers. Through bridges, Bitlayer users and developers can leverage the power of multiple blockchain ecosystems. Bitlayer is designed to support various bridge implementations to facilitate communication between different blockchains. This section provides an overview of the available bridges in the Bitlayer ecosystem.

Bridge Image

Bitlayer to Blockchains

Official Bridges

Bitlayer is connected to multiple blockchains including Bitcoin, EVM chains through multiple bridges, which you can access here.

Proof of Reserve

You can find the Proof of Reserve information here: POR page.

BTC to Bitlayer

Mainnet-V1(Bitlayer PoS): The Bitlayer team is working with multiple MPC custody platforms, including Coinbase and Sinohope (HK.1611), to secure the assets.

Mainnet-V2&V3(Bitcoin Finality): The bitlyer team will deliver trustless bridge using BitVM and DLC technology.[WIP]

EVM to Bitlayer

The Bitlayer team builds the trustless bridge together with the Polyhedra team.

3rd Party Bridges

There are plenty of 3rd party bridges that support Bitlayer, check it here.

Bitlayer to CEXs (Centralized Exchanges)

Bitlayer also supports bridges that connect with centralized exchanges (CEXs). With these bridges, users can withdraw their assets from centralized exchanges directly to Bitlayer's EVM-compatible wallet address. This allows users to seamlessly transfer funds from centralized exchanges to Bitlayer and leverage the Layer 2 capabilities provided by Bitlayer.